2024 Choir Camp Registration Form

July 17, 2024

Our Camp Registration Form for Curiouser And Curiouser is STILL OPEN!

Registrations are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration will be confirmed upon receipt of Camp Dues. Registration will close when the camp is either full, or August 1st, whichever comes first.

In addition to our 2024 Placement, BMorg released our Camp dimensions as well. We are in the final stages of laying out the camp and figuring out where everything is going to go. Camp is filling up and we may close registration soon. Get excited as we have an amazing crew this year!  

*If you have registered to camp, but have not yet paid your dues, please do so asap! Thank you also to everyone who has paid camp dues and picked up the Pay Pal Fees! YOU ROCK.  

Being part of the Choir is an amazing experience, but camping with the choir brings that experience to a whole new level. Beyond creating art, camping together lends itself to developing lasting relationships at a deeper level! Who knows, you might end up battling a camp mate at the Thunder Dome or getting into Grampa’s Punch late at night over a heart felt conversation. Choir Camp is a non-drama, friendly, inclusive environment that might be your next home. 

Are you interested in Camping with the Choir?  Now is your chance. Playa Choir Camp offers a variety of camping  choices from  tent camping in the shade structure to RV parking on the Playa Choir grounds. Spaces fill up fast so don’t wait too long. 


This map of our 2023 campsite on Rod’s Road shows how we planned for functionality, accessibility, interactivity and camper comfort.

The Choir Courtyard is comprised of five (5) 10×20 steel carports (a Costco favorite) in a U-formation, accommodating up to 20 campers. These are Premium campsites and get reserved quickly.

We also have additional carports for shaded campsites, and other sites available under sturdy and portable awnings, depending on your needs and budget.

Providing shaded campsites means less gear you have to bring!

Camp Dues

Camp Dues are inevitable and necessary. It’s just not possible to bring Choir Camp to the Playa without them. But they do represent your commitment to the project, and provide our Leadership Team with some peace of mind.

Dues are dependent on how many people are in your party, and how much space you need (your footprint), and where you want to be located. Choir Camp’s many amenities is an opportunity to minimize how much stuff you need to bring, because we provide it for you! You’ll find our camp dues are quite reasonable, all things considered.

If you have questions about camp sites or camp dues, please contact our Dusty Producer.