Interactivity Is A Must for 2025!

Interactivity, in particular, is core to both the placement process and Black Rock City. Interactivity is public and available to all citizens. Interactivity includes hosting, inviting and engaging people to interact, in addition to passive objects or do-it-yourself (DIY) art. Interactivity also includes ways our campers are contributing culturally and creating spontaneous community interactions, so it’s important to us that our beautiful Dome is in full and happy use.

The Place You Go To Sing

Our Dome is used every morning for Choir Rehearsals and of course all day on Sunday. It is, however, available in the afternoons and evenings for:

  • Singing Lessons and Vocal Coaching
  • Pub Crawls
  • Chamber Music
  • Opera
  • Yoga
  • Sound Healings
  • Ted Talks
  • Ecstatic Dances
  • Singing Circles
  • Costume Parties

And be sure to drop by every morning from 8:00 a.m. – 10 a.m. for fresh brewed coffee, and a Temple Of Harmonics experience!

Are you interested in hosting a Happy Hour? Are you a DJ and need a place to spin? Don’t forget, we have a full sound system with mixer – if you’re a band, book a slot and plug in!

Please contact the Magister Domus to schedule a time slot. Final scheduling will close on August 1, 2025 for Tomorrow Today – but if you want to make it into the WWW Guide, be sure to book early!

2025 Schedule!

Sunday, August 24 @ 9:00pm – 10:00pm

Sensory Scope!

Time to Relax! This is a post-build sensory set-up before your amazing week kicks-off. Drop-in, put your feet up, or grab a pillow and get comfy, for a soothing ambient sonic bath – you’ll thank yourself in the morning.

DAILY: Monday, August 25 through Saturday, August 30 / 8:00am – 10:00am

The Temple Of Harmonics!

The Temple Of Harmonics in the Playa Choir Dome, is a sacred, peaceful, safe and inviting morning space, as the temperature slowly rises and the dust begins to swirl. Let the smell of fresh-brewed coffee lure you inside to relax, meditate, go for that second cup.

For Burning Man 2019: METAMORPHOSES, four separate soundscapes were envisioned and created by Miss Ayme (MEZAME), so that once inside our morning Temple, you would feel the rhythmic pulse, and experience different dynamics, layers, and dissonant harmonies. Open yourself to the music’s full breadth. Discern the wealth and variety of vocal timbres, and achieve a state of collective consciousness. Listen, share, dance. Express yourself as a part of a greater whole. Embrace the Chaos. Then Change again.

Whether or not music is being played or performed, each morning will offer a different activity inside our beautiful Dome:


Activity TBD


Activity TBD


Activity TBD


Activity TBD


Activity TBD


Activity TBD

DAILY: Tuesday, August 27 through Saturday, August 31 / 10:30am – 12:30pm

Playa Choir Rehearsal!

Tuesday, August 26 / 8:00pm

The Playa Choir Conne Sewer Saloon

Tomorrow Today Toasted

Join us for some Choir Cacophonous Chaos! Let’s get together and have a chance to party when we aren’t trying to sing! There will be booze! There will be swag! There will be stickers! There will be booze! There will be beats! There will be T-Shirts! There will be booze!

Come and learn about the Choir, get music, make some friends and talk to folks from the other side of the risers! Are you interested in being in the Choir but want more information? Or do you just wanna grab a drink (or several) from our bar and dance your ass off? Then bring your ID 21+ only, and don’t forget to bring your cup!

This is your chance to find out what you want to know. In our Post Playa Survey, we received a number of requests for time to meet each other outside of rehearsal time. So this it! 

Black Rock Philharmonic Collaboration!

For the past two years, the Playa Choir has performed with the BRP – and we’re gonna do it again for Tomorrow Today! As soon as we know the date, time and location you’ll find that info here, promise!

Sunday, August 31 / 6:15am – 7:30am

Playa Choir Sunrise Service @ The Temple of the Deep!

What To Wear

For all our performances we will wear …

Sunday, August 31 / 11:00am – 1:00pm

Playa Choir Dome Performance

What To Wear

For all our performances we will wear …

Calendar 2025

February 15, 2025

This is what we know of our Schedule of Events that we know of so far. There’s a lot more in the works – stay tuned!