The Choracle

Our newsletter is the best way to keep up with what we’re up to and when. Much of the information you need to know is already posted on this site. Experienced Burners know stuff happens at a moment’s notice. But they’re also best prepared to roll with it and rely on radical self-reliance.

Subscribe to learn of music releases, revisions and announcements. You’ll come to know we’re a camp that is respectful, extremely well organized, artistic, creative, responsible and flexible. We’ll hope you’ll join us!

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We do not sell or give away your information. Ever. Never have. Never will.

Facebook Page

Visit us on Facebook to see what’s going on. Connect with other Playa Choir members and the Burning Man Community. Hear the up to the minute news- (‘cuz we have been know to change things on the fly!)

Weekly Zoom

Hop on at 4:30p.m. PST every Sunday to meet up! We catch up, share recent news and visit. Sometimes we sing, sometimes we cry – mostly we talk and laugh a lot! Sometimes it’s Burning Man Camp business, and other times it’s purely social. Everyone is welcome.

Since the onset of the pandemic- the members of Playa Choir have been meeting every Sunday via zoom. For many of us it was what got us through the pandemic.

Join Our Zoom Meeting!

Meeting ID: 556 439 7636
Passcode: rxELJ5