The Temple Of Direction
Metamorphoses was aptly named. While Miss Ayme had decided in the off season that she wasn’t returning, she still led the Choir back to the Playa for 2019. We had the most ambitious budget in history, and many registered campers coming from overseas to join the early Galley and Build teams. Logistically it was complicated, and last-minute problems popped up (there were on-playa injuries and emergencies), but with her usual aplomb got it all sorted out – and like a mother hen, turned her little chickies out into the big bad wild on their own, trusting in their self-reliance abilities.
It wasn’t perfect, and much of the ensuing camp drama and confusion was a result of her not being there. Regretful. But this transition wasn’t going to be easy, and everyone knew that. We actually did a great job, and the performance videos will attest to much love, joy and happy smiling faces.
New Leadership positions were filled, willingly trained and assisted by Miss Ayme before she rode off into the sunset, content she had made an impact. And then the Pandemic happened at the end of this year, and everything turned to shit.
But if you or someone you know have recordings, photos or videos to share, please email them (or a link to your online Gallery) to our Web Mistress, thank you.